Chadwick Beach Island Bridge
(Strickland Blvd) Over Barnegat Bay
Virtual Public Information Meeting
Purpose & Need
Restore the structural, geometric, and operational integrity of the bridge in compliance with current design standards
Provide a safe, efficient, and reliable crossing for all modes of transportation.

Concept Development Complete
August 2018 thru June 2020
Identifies and compares reasonable alternatives and strategies that address the purpose and need statement and selects a preliminary preferred alternative (PPA). Once a concept development report is completed, the Interagency Review Committee (IRC) will determine whether or not the project can be advanced to the next phase.
Preliminary Engineering
May 2022 thru November 2023
Project will be further developed and refined to a level of detail necessary to secure the approval of the environmental document, also known as the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) document. Once the project obtains NEPA approval and is accepted by the IRC, the project advances to the next phase. (Currently underway.)
Final Design
Estimated Spring 2024 thru Fall 2025
This phase will produce construction contract documents (i.e., Final Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimates (PS&E)), and if necessary, acquire right-of-way. Once the PS&E package is approved by NJDOT and authorized for construction by FHWA, the project is eligible to advance to the final phase.
Estimated Spring 2026 thru Summer 2028.
The project will be advertised, awarded, construction management systems and processes will be established, and construction will commence. The project is considered completed, when the final phase is closed out with NJDOT and FHWA.

Goals & Objectives
Maintain island access to the greatest extent practical and minimize impacts to residents by optimizing the construction duration.
Avoid or minimize impacts to vehicular and marine traffic, pedestrians and bicyclists during construction.
Maintain existing clearance.
Avoid or minimize social, economic and environmental impacts.
Enhance bicycle and pedestrian compatibility in this recreational community.
Consider the context of the project area and identify aesthetic enhancements.